Return & Refund Policy

At MyBaker, we are committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. We understand that sometimes returns or exchanges may be necessary. Please review our return and refund policy below to understand your rights and how to proceed if an issue arises with your order.

1. Conditions for Refunds or Exchanges

Exchanges or refunds are available in accordance with your consumer rights, as well as the policies outlined below. A refund will typically be issued only under the following circumstances:

The product is of unacceptable quality (e.g., defective or damaged).

A wrong item was shipped.

The product does not match the description under which it was sold.

Refunds will not be issued for items returned due to change of mind.

2. Returning Defective Items 

Return shipping costs will be borne by the customer.

3. General Notes

Please retain all products, packaging, and original shipping materials for inspection if needed.

Incomplete returns (e.g., missing items or packaging) will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

Discount codes are non-refundable and cannot be re-issued. If you return an item purchased using a discount code, only the final price paid (after the discount) will be refunded.

For damaged items, please watsapp us with a detailed description of the damage along with photos of the item and its packaging. We will offer a replacement or an exchange based on your preference.

For missing items, carefully check all packing materials, as smaller items may be packaged inside larger items for protection. All orders are weighed and recorded before dispatch, so we will confirm the contents of your order if needed.

4. Return & Exchange Instructions

If you wish to return or exchange an item, please follow these steps:

Contact us promptly via Facebook Messenger or watsapp us @ 011-1193 7735

Provide details of the product and the issue, so we can assist you as efficiently as possible.

If your return is approved, we will arrange a replacement or refund according to the circumstances.

5. Processing Refunds

Once we receive your returned item, we will process the refund in the manner we deem most appropriate. Please allow 21 business days for us to process your refund after receiving the returned product. (Note: This does not include shipping time.)



在 MyBaker,我们致力于提供优质产品和卓越的客户服务。我们理解有时可能会有退换货需求,因此请阅读以下政策,以了解您的权益及退货流程。

1. 退款与换货条件





因个人喜好或主观原因退货的商品 不予退款。

2. 退回有缺陷商品


3. 重要说明




        若商品损坏,请通过 WhatsApp 联系我们,并提供商品及包装的损坏照片和详细说明。我们会根据您的需求提供更换或换货服务。


4. 退货与换货流程


    1.    通过 Facebook Messenger 或 WhatsApp(011-1193 7735) 联系我们。

    2.    提供订单信息及商品问题描述,以便我们快速处理。

    3.    退货申请通过后,我们将根据具体情况安排换货或退款。

5. 退款处理时间

收到您的退货商品后,我们将在 21 个工作日 内处理退款(不包括运输时间)。退款方式将由我们决定,并退还至您的原支付账户。


在 MyBaker,我们致力于确保您的订单能够及时处理和送达。请阅读以下配送政策,了解配送时间、运费和订单处理信息。

1. 配送时间


        西马(West Malaysia): 2 – 7 个工作日

        东马(East Malaysia): 3 – 14 个工作日

如果您的订单包含 预购商品 或在 促销活动期间 下单,配送时间可能会有所延长,我们会提前通知您。

2. 配送费用


对于国际订单,买家需自行承担 税费、关税或其他额外费用。

3. 订单与配送安排

        配送费用根据包裹的 重量/体积 和 配送地址 计算,具体费用将在结账时显示,并由买家支付。

        我们 不在周末及公共假期 进行配送。

        请确保您提供的 收货地址完整且准确,以避免配送延误或失败。

4. 配送失败处理




我们将不承担 重新配送或更改地址 产生的额外费用,相关费用需由客户承担。

如果因 地址错误或无人签收 导致包裹退回,我们 不提供退款或补发。

5. 客户责任

请务必确保您在结账时提供 正确且完整的收货地址,以避免配送延误或额外费用。如因客户提供的信息有误导致订单配送失败,我们将无法承担相关责任。
